Nov 2019 – 2020

Twelve By The Mail
Where have these people gone?
The Soong Family
A Seventy Year-old Speech has Surfaced Again
The Patriotism
Open Letter to the President of the United States of America
Featured News from the last few months of 2020,
In New York- A 33-year-old police officer at ethnic Tibetan background
Was arrested on federal charges for alleged y acting as an illegal get,
Nor Belling: It was a spot light on how the Chinese consulate seekst,
infiltrate and influence local dissident communities.
New Zealand – Labour Party leader Jacinda Arden, has been re-elected
as the Nz Prime Minister. The Labour Party will resume Governance for
the next three years.
4-Oct Trump administration signals tougher action to bar China
Communist Party members from immigrating to US.
United States House bill designates the Chinese organization
Communist Party as a transnational criminal organization.
A Hong Kong district councilor sentenced after identifying the police
officer who allegedly shot a reporter in the eye during last years protest.
Hong Kong national security police raided a private office belonging to
the pro democracy tycoon Jimmy Lai.
The Hong Kong Democrats asked an outside Country to Rescue twelve
Hong Kong people including Li Yuxuan, a member of the
” Hong Kong
Story” who was accused of violating the “National Security Law”. They
were intercepted by the CC’s maritime police when they were
suspected of smuggling to Taiwan, and have been detained in Yantian
detention center in Shenzhen China. Since then, the families of those
detained have not received news, and are being prevented trom
contacting and appointing lawyer’s to meet them. This event happened
on 23-August.
Three hard drive data sources indicate that Hunter Biden’s business
associates helped Chinese tycoons meet with the Obama White House
The hard drive’s inside information include, sex scandal, drugs, and
information of his father receiving benefits from his vice-president
position. And 353 counties have 1.8M more registered voters than
Information retrieved from Hunter Bides computer referred to the Big
Tech companies that have been major financial backers of the Biden
campaign in this election cycle. According to data from Open Secrets, a
nonprofit organization tracks money in politics campaign finance
The top five contributors to Democratic presidential candidate Joe
Biden’s candidate committee include Alphabet, which was the largest
contributor; Microsoft Corp, the fourth-largest contributor; and
Amazon, the fifth-largest contributor.
Alphabet contributed just under$1.9 million to the committee,
Microsoft contributed $997,226, and Amazon gave $931,821.
Facebook and Twitter were censored over the New York Post’s Hunter
Biden article.
Vatican announced extension of the agreement that allows China
Communist Party to appoint a Bishop in the Catholic Diocese of Hong
Hong Kong people including Li Yuxuan, a member of the
” Hong Kong
Story” who was accused of violating the “National Security Law”. They
were intercepted by the CC’s maritime police when they were
suspected of smuggling to Taiwan, and have been detained in Yantian
detention center in Shenzhen China. Since then, the families of those
detained have not received news, and are being prevented trom
contacting and appointing lawyer’s to meet them. This event happened
on 23-August.
Three hard drive data sources indicate that Hunter Biden’s business
associates helped Chinese tycoons meet with the Obama White House
The hard drive’s inside information include, sex scandal, drugs, and
information of his father receiving benefits from his vice-president
position. And 353 counties have 1.8M more registered voters than
Information retrieved from Hunter Bides computer referred to the Big
Tech companies that have been major financial backers of the Biden
campaign in this election cycle. According to data from Open Secrets, a
nonprofit organization tracks money in politics campaign finance
The top five contributors to Democratic presidential candidate Joe
Biden’s candidate committee include Alphabet, which was the largest
contributor; Microsoft Corp, the fourth-largest contributor; and
Amazon, the fifth-largest contributor.
Alphabet contributed just under$1.9 million to the committee,
Microsoft contributed $997,226, and Amazon gave $931,821.
Facebook and Twitter were censored over the New York Post’s Hunter
Biden article.
Vatican announced extension of the agreement that allows China
Communist Party to appoint a Bishop in the Catholic Diocese of Hong
Pope Francis endorses same sex marriage certification.
38 pitisiny of lustice of V. Sintepoenettorse/
thel means to monopoly other competitors over the last net?
in AUgust 2020 – One of China’s largest jewelers limited shares compan,
in Wuhan was forced to
“voluntarily” withdraw from Naspaq U.S. The
company was only one of the Chinese jewelers limited shares holding
company to get on U.S. stock market. The 83 tons of gold worth ji
billion Yuan in China’s bank turned out into Brass.
This news was exposed in early February 2020, but was not released
until June. It was kept covered up for months without being known to
the outside world. Even up to now, the Chinese officials have not made
any statements about the truth of the 30 billion gold details. The fake
gold has been sold outside of the China market. According to hearsay,
Carlo Maria Vigano An former an archbishop of the Catholic Church gave
a letter to President Donald Trump of the United States.
Two scholars from Beijing have been nominated to vice-chancellor in
Chinese Hong Kong university. The people are worried they will be
monitored of the liberal democracy in Hong Kong.
Aht-Technology Financial Services Listing to Hong Kong’s share market
suddenly called to stop on 3rd-Nov.
The U.S. Government had previously warned people that Ant’s Chinese
inancial company could use the Data to collect information, and that
information will come into CCP’s hands, and that it is a risk for security
threat to Untitled States. 2-Nov
Joe Kelly, the Huawei’s vice-president of communications had
unexpectedly died in Shenzhen China, age 55. Joe Kelly came from
Ireland, and in his last interview he said to the Ireland media, he was
“yearning his hometown’s warmth, simple folk life style and their
peoples smiles. He said his is a expertise in managing crisis.
[Huawei has been blamed for service to CCP]
Internet users were recalled to the case of Neil Heywood, who death in
China in 2011 was not accidental. That event brought up the true
situation of the
“Corpses Processing Organ Implant” business in China.
Eight former and current legislators of the pan-democratic faction in
Hong Kong had been charged with contempt of the “privileges act” and
crimes of interfering with members of the legislation council.
“The Sun” of the British News reported. More then 6.000 witches were
using the internet for gathering to
“Curse” the Trump Presidential
election as it enters the countdown.
“Bind Trump” the Facebook group
in a series of activities claiming they would use this months “rare
double” for extra magic, as they prepared to curse during Halloween on
October 31st and 2- November. The witches claim that the spell will to
attack Trump every month of Waning moon, and full moon until Trump
leaves the White House.
Facebook introduced details in 2017 to operate the “spell method” for
those who are tempted to develop their own internal “potential” the
wizards also give a very convenient
“quick guide”
to the whole
operation. The technique is very common in Satanism. Also The Global
Net, CP media distributed detailed pictures and texts to those who
would like to try it.
White House withdraws from the Paris Climate Agreement.
A Mainland merchant admits to smuggling U.S. Assault boat. A Sichuan’s
CPP-CC member was involved.
Check this revise
alieNations The United States today is equivalent to China in 13%9
abie Unted states does not want to repeat the fate of the Republic,
jete today, it must support President Trump’s final victory in th
pesaid: the Republic of China government led by Mr. Chiang Kalishek
Was going to fight the Anti-Japanese War. The internal government
insisted on implementing democratic constitutionalism, but the media
infiltrated by the Communist Party criticised it. Under the control of the
Soviet Union, the Communist of China at that time instigated riots, used the media’s
freedom of press to control public opinion, and at the same
time promoted communist ideas to entice young people who did not understand world affairs.
Xin Haonian named many mainstream media outlets in the United states as “fake reporting stations”
and some even become CCP
informants, hiding deep inside stories. He said: this situation is similar to China’s period in 1948-1949.

Twelve by the Mail
Hans Christian Andersen’s story Danish author, 1805-1875 It was intensely cold, the sky
was studded with stars, there was no breath of air stirring. “Boom!” An old earthen pot was
flung against the neighbours door. “bang, bang!” A gun was fired off. They were
greeting the New Year. It was New Year’s Eve! The church- clock was striking Midnight.
“Ta-ta-ra, ta-ta-ra!”
The heavy mail-coach came lumbering up and stopped before the gate of the town.
There were twelve passengers in it. for all seats were occupied. “Hip, hip, hurrah!”cried
the people in the houses of the town, where they were keeping New Year’s Night, and
rose, when the clock struck twelve with their glasses in their hands, drinking the
health of the New Year. “A Happy New Year to your!” was the cry. “A pretty wife!
Plenty of money! no trouble and sorrow!” Such were the good wishes
expressed amid clinking of glasses. There was singing and ringing! Before the gate of the
town stopped the mail-coach with twelve guests, the passengers. And who were these
strangers? Each of them had his passport and luggage with him; they even brought
presents for you, for me, and for all the inhabitants of the little town. But who were they, what did
they intend to do, and what did they bring with them? “Good morning!” they called out to the sentry
at the town-gate. “Good morning!” answered the sentry; for the clock had already struck twelve
o’clock. “Your name? your business?” the sentry asked the first who left the coach. “Look for
yourself in my passport,” replied the man. “I am I!” And he was indeed a man, clad in a large
bearskin and wereing fur boots. “I am the man on whom many people set their hopes. Come and see
me to- morrow and I shall give you a New year’s gift. I throw coppers and silver among the people,
and give balls- to wit, thirty-one; but more nights I cannot sacrifice. My ships are frozen in, but in my
office it is warm and pleasant. My name is January; I am a merchant, and carry all my accouts with
me.” Then the second alighted from the coach. He was a jovial fellow; he Was theatrical manager,
arranger of masquerades and all sorts of amusements that one coug think of. His luggage consisted
of a big cask. ” We shall drive the cat out of this cask at carnival time,; he said. ” y shall give you and
myself pleasure. We shall be merry every day. I have not too long to live- in fact, of all the familly my
life is the shortest, for I shall only become twenty. eight days old. Sometimes they allow me one day
more, but don’t trouble myself about that. Hurrah!” “You must not shout so!” said the sentry. “Why
shouldn’t I?” replied the man. “I am Prince Carnival, traveling under the name of Februarius. When
the third left the coach. He looked the very picture of fasting; he carried his nose very hight, for he
was related to the “forty knights, and he was a weather-prophet. But this is not a remunerative
trade, and there-fore he was il favor of fasting. He had a bunch of violets in his button-hole, but it
was very small. “March, March!” cried the fourth after him, slapping his shoulders, “do you not smell
something? Come quick into the guardroom; they are drinking punch there, which is your favorite
beverage; I can smell it outside. March, Mr, Martius!” But it was not true, he only wished to tease him
by making him an April fool; for with such merriment the fourth generally made his antrance into the
town. He looked very smart, worked but very little, and kept more holidays than others. “I wish There
was little more steadiness in the world,” he said, “but sometimes one is in good, sometimes in bad,
humour, always according to circumstances; one has continually to change one’s dress, for
sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun shines. I am a sort of house-agent and undertaker; I can
laugh and weep according to circumstances. I have my summer- clothes here in my portmanteau,
but it would be foolish to put them on. Here I am! On Sundays I take a walk in shoes and white silk
stockings, and with a muff.” After him a lady alighted from the coach. Her name was Miss May. She
wore a summer dress and galoshes, her frock was of a light green, and anemones adorned her hair;
she smelled so strongly of thyme that the sentry could not help sneezing. “health And prosperity to
you,” she said, greeting him. How pretty she was! She was a singer, but not a theatrical vocalist, nor
a ballad-singer; she Was A songstress of the grove; she roamed about in the green forests and sang
for her own pleasure and amusement. “Now comes the young married woman,” they cried from
inside the coach, and a young, beautiful and distinguished-looking woman stepped out. One could
see that Mrs. June was not accustomed to do much for herself, but rather to be waited upon. On the
longest day in the year she gave a great dinner-party, that her guests might have time to eat the
numerous courses which were served. Although she had her own carriage, she traveled like the
others by the mail, in order to show people that she was not haughty. But she was not
unaccompanied, for her young brother Julius was with her. He looked well fed, wore summer clothes
and a straw hat. He had but little luggage, as it was burdensome to carry in the great heat; he had
only a pair of bathing- drawers with him. Then the mother alight, Mrs. August, A wholesale fruiterer,
the proptietress of many fish-ponds and a farmer, wearing a large crinoline; she was stout and hot,
worked hard, and carried the beer out to her laborers in the field herself. “In the sweat of thy brow
thou shalt eat thy bread,” she used to say;” “that is written in the Bible. When the work is done
follow the excursions into the country, dance and play under the green trees, and the harvest
festivals.” She was an excellent housekeeper. After her a man came out of the coach who was a
painter; he was the famous colonist, September; he would repair to the woods and change the color
of the leaves according to his ideas; and soon it gleamed with crimson, russet, and gold. The master
could whistle like a starling; he. was a quick worker, and decorated his beer-jug with a twining
branch of hops, so that it looked beautiful; he had a strong sense of beauty. There he ston with his
color-box, which male up his whole lugggage. He was followed by a landowner, who only thought of
plowing and preparing the field in the seed-month, and who was fond of field sports. Mr. October
and his dog and gun with him, and carried nuts in his game-bag. “Crack, crack!” He had a great
deal of luggage, Including even an English plow; he talked about agriculture, but on account of the
coughing and groaning of his neighbor one could not hear much of it. It was Novmber who coughed
so much when he got out. He suffered a great deal from colds, the servant-giris to their new place
and initiate them into their winter service; his cold, he thought, would soon be better when he
began Wood-cutting, for he was a master woodcutter, and the president of the guild. He passed his
evenings cuttiné Wood for skates, for he knew well, he said, that in a fev Weeks these articles would
be In great demant for the people’s amusement. Finally, the last passenger made her appearance-
the old mother December, carrying a foot-warmer with her. The old woman was shivering with cold,
but her eyes were as bright as two stars. She held a flower-pot in her arm, in which a little fir-tree
was growing. “This tree, ‘she said, “I will take care of and cherish, that it may thrive and grow very
tall, be covered with glittering lights, gilded apples, and cut-out figures. The foot-warmer warms me
like a stove; I shall take a story-book out of my pocket and read it aloud, until all the children in the
room are quiet, and all the little figures on the tree become alive; and the little wax angel on the top
of the tree opens his wings of tinsel, flies down from his green resting-place, and kisses all the
children and grown-up people in the room. Nay, he also kisses the poor children who stand outside
in the street and sing the Christmas song of the “star of Bethehem, “Well, the coach may drive off,”
said the sentry, “now we have all the twelve. And the luggage cart may come up.” “First let the
twelve come in to me, ” said the captain of the guard, “one after the other. I shall keep their
passports here; they are all available for one month; when it is gone I shall give them a character on
the passports. Now, Mr January, please walk in.” And the Mr. January accepted the invitation. When
a year is gone, I shall tell you what the twelve passengers have brought you, myself and all of us. At
present I do not know it, and perhaps They do not know it themselves; for it is a strange time we live
in. Where have these people gone? A Hong Kong lawmaker questioned whether a prisoner should be
punished for refusing a Covid-19 test, saying he had received a report that a detainee who refused
to take part in the test was sent to solitary confinement. There is good reason for people to worry
about the lives of the young protesters in Hong Kong. There is evidence on websites, in news
reports and in newspapers. It is actually possible that such things have been happening. Since the
Chinese Communist Party suppressed Hong Kong people last year, there has been an abundance of
human organs such as livers and kidneys available. There have been reported cases of live organs
being harvested from Guangdong which is close to Hong Kong. Hong kong police domed right gear
for the protesters. Last year a video was shown of a large group of young protesters being tied up
with their hands behind their backs at the MTR station. At the same time a number of videos were
also circulated on Facebook. On the Eastern rail line a train’s windows were covered with black cloth
on the way to the mainland. From the inside throughout the trip could be heard the sounds of a
Woman screaming as though she was being tortured. People think this was the case. It is possible
that such young people may sent to concentration camps in mainland China.

A protest rally was held
this year on the first of July. Thousands of police encircled and arrested 370 protesters, among
them 4 Falun Gong believers. In the police station they asked protesters to wear numbers on their
prisoner clothing. The four Falun Gong people refused to do this and insisted they were not
criminals. When the time came to take their photo the police asked them to remove their clothes and
shoes, a police women put the clothing on one Falun Gong person (A). A refused to put it on. A loud
scolding shout came from the back and said: You did not sign your name saying you did not want to
wear prisoner clothing, so you will be sent to the mainland for your organs to be removed. The Falun
Gong Prisoner A looked back at the man. He was a senior officer. A was feeling sad and angry, she
questioned the officer asking ‘How many people did you send back for organ removal? How many
times have you done this? Don’t wear your mask. I will remember your face and tell the outside world
that you are policeman and doing this evil thing. Then A asked the crowd of police, whether they had
all agreed to talk to people about organ removal. She said there were a hundred policeman at the
scene, but no one made a sound. That senior policeman turned his head away and did not dare to
look at her. On the same day, 1 July, in the China News, the National Health Commission of the
Chinese Communist Party announced the regulation of human organ transplantation. It emphasised
that it was a criminal act to harvest live organs from minors, that is, from anyone under the age of 18.
On the 2nd of July, the Beijing Daily reported on the draft announcement by the National Health
Commission in its headline. This news caused widespread controversy among people. Hu Ping the
honorary chief editor of “Beijing Spring” wrote on Twitter. ‘This headline does mean that: 1. In the
past the removal of live organs from those under the age of 18 was not a criminal act. 2. Will those
who remove live organs from persons over the age of 18 be held criminally responsible for such
actions in the past and in the future? Over the years there have been many reports of young people
having been killed in mainland China. These cases are called incidents of ‘organ donation’ The news
of the new national health regulation and the behaviour of policemen in Hong Kong had already been
presented to the public. The real situation in China was that the incidence of live organ harvesting
for financial gain had been completely uncontrolled. This news was derived from the Website : The Learn the facts, spread the information on the media and sign the petition to the

Soong Family Three
Chinese sisters who were, along with their husbands, amongst china’s most significant political
figures of the early 20th century. They each played a major role in influencing their husbands, who,
along with their own position of power, ultimately changed the course of Chinese history. Their
father was an American-educated Methodist Minster, Charlie Soong, who made a fortune in banking
and printing. Their mother, Katherine, Ni Kwei-tseng, was a descendant of Ming dynasty, was a
Mathematican and Jesuit convert Xu Guangqi. The Methodist church in Shanghai was Funding Sun
Yat Sen’s campaigns and the Republic of China Government political body was set up. Soong had all
of his children educated in the Untied States. The family’s childer order from picture left, Meiling. Ai-
ling. Chingling. were. Soong Ai-ling 1888- 1973. Soong Ching-ling 1893-1981. older son, Soong Tse-
Ven, daughter Soong Meiling 1898-2003. yougest two sons, Soong Tse-liang, and Soong Tse-an.
Three brothers were all have high ranking officials in the Republic of China Government
Kuomintang]. The eldery daughter Ai-ling Worked as Sun’s Secretary until she married a banker,
Kung Hsiang in 1914, who was a wealthy banker, and a 75th generation descendant of Confucius.
Soong Chingling second child replaced her sister as secretary, who later became Madame Sun Yat-
Sen. The fourth child, Soong Meiling married Kuomintang’s General Chiang Kai-shek. Soong Meiling
was extremely important in Chinese foreign relationship, and who established the air force of China
to fight the Japanese during World War 2. Chiang Kai-Shek became the new chief of the Kuomintang
in 1927, after Sun Yat-Sen’s death in 1925. The couple opposed the China Communist Party. The
widowed Soong Chingling often quarreled with the family, accusing Chiang Kai- Shek and his
followers of persecuting Communists and hindering the Chinese reunification. She leaves the
Kuomintang and openly voices dissent against Chiang. The three sisters were hardly reunited again,
except at their parents’ deathbeds and other special occasions. The eldest sister and the youngest
sister They were died in Untied States, Soong Meiling died age 106. Soong Chingling was a only
A Seventy Year-Old Speech has Surfaced Again
Soong’s family remain in mainland China, died the age was 88. The article information came from
the website ,
Ms. Soong Mei-ling, the wife of Chiang Kai-shek, a leader in China has
the reputation oyf being the ‘first lady forever’ and also one of the ten most admired
women in the United States.
Song Mei-ling gave a War and Peace’ speech in the US Congress in 1943. This speech
enabled all circles in the United States to strongly
support China’s war of resistance against Japan and also provided
support for China’s future victory.
But after China’s victory over Japan, the international situation
underwent changes. The Communist International party had
penetrated the world and helped the CP to seize power in China. In just a few years,
the strength of the
CP army increased and at the same time it had control of both
political and public

CP army increased and at the same time it had control of both
political and public opinion in the United States. People generally
believed that the CP was a land reformer that ‘fought for freedom’
There were only a few wise leaders: General Barton, General
MacArthur, Ambassador Stuart and a few other people who
understood the true meaning of the Communist Party.
The tide turned at the end of 1948. Song Mei-ling went to the United
States to seek foreign aid, but failed to change US policy toward
China. Finally the Chinese Communist Party seized power in China.
A few months later on 6 January in 1950, Britain, which had been an
ally of China in the Second World War, recognised the Chinese
Communist Party. International allies also generally believed that
the National Government in Taiwan would eventually be defeated
At this time, Song Meiling was in the United States and decided
return to Taiwan. Before she left, she gave a speech to the United
States in New York.
Under these circumstances she said China would fight to the end.
She believed that in the future all countries in
the world would definitely choose between
freedom and communism; that is, the choice
between good and evil, and ultimately the
axiom meant that good would eventually defeat

This is how the radio
broadcast reads after seventy years. This is what she said.
I am speaking to you to just say goodbye to you, to thank you for your
kind hospitality. I hope that the next time I come to the United States
the air may be more pleasant, and my country will have regained its
freedom from under the iron hoof of the alien invaders.
Every time I leave the United States, I can’t help but feel confused.
Not only I am a visitor but I also lived here as a girl for many years. I
received all my education here together with much inspiration that
enables me to serve the people of my country. Within a few days, I
will return to China. I am not going back to Nanjing, Chongqing,
Shanghai or Guangzhou. I am not going back to our continent. I am
going back the island of Taiwan where my people are. Taiwan is the
bastion of all our hopes, our ravaged base.
We must attack and fight the enemy and destroy them with
perseverance. Our guerrillas are everywhere in mainland China.
They are holding up flares so as to destroy the enemy’s lies, frauds
and their propaganda. We will eliminate with bullets, but also
overcome with truth. I hope that no matter where my voice reaches
in the free corners of the world, people who love freedom can be
awakened and know that abandoned and lonely China is carrying
the only gun with which to defend freedom. The world has been
divided into two sides, those of freedom and communism. In the
not too distant future, there will tens of millions of people who
will have to make a choice between the two. Are they going to
fight for freedom, or kneel to the Communist Party and become
My husband has led his people in the fight against communism for
more than 20 years. He was solely responsible for the breakup of the
Kuomintang and Communist Party in 1926. He was convinced that
in Russia, communism was deliberate, actively taking over our
country. He saw that China had become the butt of many tricks and
that Russia had then used these tricks against the world.
President Chiang was the first among world political leaders to
expose the Communist conspiracy as well as the first to start acting
against Communism. A few years ago he was praised for his courage
and perseverance against Communism, but it is now he who is being
insulted. Although times have changed, this person has not changed.
My husband still leads his people against the alien aggressors and
their heresies with an indomitable spirit.
Our people have the determination to continue the fight for their
country. As long as we remain alive, as long as there are aliens
occupying Chinese territory, we must rely on a place, whether
Taiwan, or an island or mountain stronghold from where to
continue our struggle. I am telling you this and stating facts not
expressing my political opinions.
The morally timid are now abandoning us. With a heavy heart, I sal
that Britain, previously an ally, had expended millions of lives on the
altar of freedom, but that it has now been led into a devil’s cave of
political conspiracy by its leaders. Britain sold the soul of a nation
for the price of few pieces of silver. I said this was ‘too shameless!’
The interest generated by these pieces of silver is the blood, sweat
and tears that will paid on the battlefield of freedom in the future.
What the truth requires of all ethnic groups is to live in an
atmosphere of human freedom and dignity in accordance with their
own traditions. This is also the essence of Chinese culture. The
people of our country, that is, must face the power of aliens or risk
that their bodies might be enslaved by alien violence. As long as
their eyes can see the light at Taiwan’s base, freedom will never
abandon Chinese culture. Our souls are free and our state of mind is
at ease. Therefore we must do our best.
In this fight for freedom, some of us will be sacrificed and some
people will continue to struggle for generations. The aggressors will
not be able to achieve peace in one day. No powerful country can
sign a treaty and no politician can draft a contract to suffocate the
people. Mother will sing it in a lullaby, father will tell of it at the
dinner table, and young students will talk to one another about
freedom. Although the farmer is deprived, the soil can still grow
food, but for the enemy it produces thorns from the ground, not
grapes and figs
China was initially liberated from the hand of alien conquerors,
thanks to the great revolutionary movement advocated by Mr Sun
Yat-sen. After this movement developed into more of a mass
movement, it finally expelled those invaders and created the
Republic of China.
No force can obliterate this fact. We never rely on force, but only on
the principle of standing in the world. Other nations can abandon
these principles because of gains and losses. But at such a critical
juncture we are even more determined to stick to these principles.
This unyielding spirit may explain why we have the longest history
of any nation in the world.
The tradition of friendship between China and United States has the
same jong history as the United States. Many of your citizens one
sived in our country. Your people have siven us assistance, and tiny
have given us comfort and love. You never ask for any reward, you
name will always be cherished as a symbol of friendship and oflove
can no longer ask the American people for anything. During my
stay in your country over the past few months, I have not given a
speech or made an appeal. Although my country urgently needs your
assistance, I have never participated in the competition for help. I
want to tell you why I am so silent. When a country takes a just
action, in the same way as a person does good, it must come from
their conscience, not because of the request or demand made by
another. Actions come from kindness, from compassion, from
justice. And justice is good because it is good in itself.
Perhaps you feel proud of me? Our friends! My country has been
humiliated. My government is now on an island abroad. Robert the
Bruce in Scotland came out of a cave to stand with his people. We
have to come off the island and stand with our people. At such a time
it is impossible to both plead and maintain dignity. You will know in
your heart whether you love us or have abandoned us.
Will you assist China in fighting for freedom, or have you abandoned
it? it is up to you to decide.
Fighting alone requires a longer period of time and a greater
sacrifice of life: with assistance, we can win quickly. But in any case,
we will eventually be free.
Our troops are determined and ambitious and are convinced that
the human instincts that love freedom and justice will eventually
win, and they vow to continue fighting. The facts tell us that Russia
(the Russian Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Party it
supports) can never enjoy a day of peace in China, that communism
can never posses China and that China will definitely be free.
Reference materials:
My friends! Goodbye, thank you all!
Masters thesis:
” Research on the Role of Song Mei-ling in Sino-US
Diplomatic Relations before and after the Anti-Japanese War [1936-
1950] ‘by Huang Xinhui, Institute of Political Science, National Taiwan Normal University, 2005
Chinese Editor in charge: Wang. The article from the The Patriotism The new
independent director of Twitter Li Feifei. Al professor of computer science and an Artificial
Intelligence Expert, who is a Technical
leadership Abie Award Winner in 2019. Recently many netizens in China have been sentenced to
prison. Among their sentences were from a few months upto few years. CP charged them for
reporting “negative” information that slandered the CC’s reputation and the CCP leader on Twitter.
Li Feifei had attended Europe and American Universities Chinese Students Associations.”She has a
friendly relationship with the Communist Party’s 2nd and 3rd generations. Most people know that
the University’s Chinese student organisations are a site for CP to recruit membership and secretly
provide information for the China Communist Party.
Li Feifei who was born in Beijing in 1976. She emigrated
to the United States with her parents when she was 16 years old. She publicly stated from her early
years that she wished all the children in the the world should have a fair and equal environment in
which to grow up. As a result of her early years experience as a new immigrant, her Idealism about
Socialism appeared. For real, in her position of the top Al expert, her patriotic sentiment could be
leading her to do the wrong thing, if she does not clearly understand what is the difference between
Party and the Country. Li Feifei is a reflection of a woman, who was once considered a mother of the
nation. China. Song Ching Ling was the wife of the leader Dr Sun Yat Sen. He died from an illness in
March 1925. Before Dr Sun’s death, he agreed his some people the suggestion to let Communist
members use their individual independent names to join the Nationalist party, [Koumuntang ] as he
believed that can make the
“progress” for the country. The deal was to receive financial aid from the Soviet Union. That deal
was catastrophic to China and the Kuomintang later on. Song Ching Ling was the main figure who
handed China over to the Communist Party. She strongly believed that Socialist theoretical values
would allow China to has a good future. After Sun Yat Sen’s death, Chiang Kai Shek established a
government in Nanjing in early 1927. He started to clean up inside Kuomintang
Communist members. In July, Song Ching Ling made a statement that Chiang Kai Shek had betrayed
Dr Sun’s policy, by leading people to a wrong path, and she broke with Chiang’s government. That
same year Song left China for Europe. On the way, she visited Moscow and had a nice status with
Moscow. In spring 1929, she went back to China to attend Dr Sun’s state
funeral ceremony. Because of her attitude, not many people supported her. Again she left China for Europe, until in
1931, she returned to attend her mother’s funeral. Many people suspected in that time, 1929 to 1931, that she had
been training to become an International Communist party’s secret member, she used her identity to help the
International Communist Party for influence and penetrated socialism into China. It was a dream for her, that
Socialism Idealism will liberate farmers from the
landlords. After many campaigns, when the Communist Party had the power in China, farmers are still the lowest
citizens in China society. Her dream was not realised. In the 1980’s in Henan province, farmers sold their blood to be
exchanged for money to make their living. The Aids virus was spread from the same syringes being used again and
again. It infected a huge number of several inland poor provinces. This policy, “Plasma Exchange Economy” was
driven and supported by the CCP. The problem is still covered up. AIDS is the same cover up as the COVID-19 virus
in today and in the same way, deny nothing happened in the Tiananmen Square movement of 4-June 1989. During
the AIDS epidemic, a nurse Gau Yao Gim, who
worked in a local medical clinic, realised that this needle sharing was a factor. She tried to inform the local officials
about this, and was persecuted by them. At her 80 years old in 2009, she escaped to the United States and wrote
some books about
her experiences with these HIV cases. Lost of people say that it is the intellect with makes a great scientist: They
are wrong ” it is character”,
Albert Einstein
To the president if the United States of America
Donald J. Trump
Sunday, October 25,2020
Solemnity of the christ the King
Mister President
Allow me to adress you at this hour in which the fate of the whole
world is being threatened by a golal conspiracy against God and
humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the
Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United Astes of
America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil
and religious authorities. May you assept these words of mine as
“voice of one crying out in the desert”
‘ [jn 1:23 ].
As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical
moment sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter
against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and
organized as they oppose the children of light, who are disoriented
and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual
Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to
destory the very basis of the society: the natuarl family, respect
for human life, love of country, freedom of education and
busuness. We see heads of nation and religious leaders
pandering to this suicide of Westem culture and its Christian
soul, while the fundamental right of citizens and believers are
denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself
more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an
inhuman faceless tyranny.
A global plan called the Great reset is underway. Its architect is a
global elite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive
ineasures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and
nose of entire populations. In several nation this plan has already
peen approved and financed; in other it is still in an early stage.
Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of
this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance
the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.
The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health
dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures,
hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income
and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions
from the Internation Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of
private property and adherence to a program of vaccination
against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the
collaboration of the main pharmaccutical groups. Beyond the
enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the
Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be
accompanied by the requirment of a health passport and digital
ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the
entire world. Whose who do not accept these measures will be
confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and
all their assets will be confiscated.
Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some
countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this
year and the frist trimester of 2021. For this purpose , further
lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a
supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well
aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and
legitimize draconian limitation on individual liberties, artfully
provoking a world- wide economic crisis. In the intention of its
architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to
the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world
Whose existense and very memory they went to compelely cancel
But this world. Mr. President, includes people, affections,
institution, faith, culture, tradition, and ideals: people and values
that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines,
because they are endowed with a sould and a heart, because they
are tied together by a spititual bond that draws its strength from
above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as
Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam.”
Many people – as we well know- are annoyed by this reference to
the clash between God and Evil and the use of
overtones, which according to them exasperates spirits and
sharpens division. It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at
being discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel
he seeks to conquer undisturbed.
What is suprising, however, is that there is no one to sound the
alam. The reaction of the deep state to those who denounce its plan
is broken and incoherent. But understandable. Just when the
comlicity of the mainstream media had succeded in making the
transition to the New World Order almost painless and unnoticed,
all sorts of deception, scandals and crimes are coming to light.
Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as
thorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now
see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until
last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities,
citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the
street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go
to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world,
even in picture- postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be
a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its
churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages. And while
the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating
decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are
closing and people are prevented from living, traveling working,
amd praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of the
operation are already being seen, beginning with the suicides of
desperate entreprencus and of our children. Segregated from
friends and classmates, told to follow their classes while sitting
home alone in front of a computer.
In Sacred Seripture, Saint Paul apeaks to us of” the one who
the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathekon
[2 Thess 2:6-7]. In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the
Church, and in particular the papacy; in the political sphere, it is
those who impede the establishment of the New Wold Order.
As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has
betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and
promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep
church, who chose him from its ranks.
Mr. President you have clearly stated that you want to defend the
nation- One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-
negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you,
dear Presdent, who are
“the one who opppses” the deep state, the
final assault of the children of darkness.
For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be
persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not
so much for the sake of this or that political proram, but because of
the general inspiration of you action that best embodies- in this
particular historical context- that world, our world, which they
want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our
adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race. He who is
“a murderer
from the beginning’ In 8:44]
Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider
you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The
alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep
state, gravel compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do
to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the
Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, Present Macron to France,
Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable
nature of Joe Biden- just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s
“magic cirle”- will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing
illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as
international balances. It is obvious that those who maniplate him
already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will
replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.
And yet, in the misdst of the bleak picture, this apparently
unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,
” an element of hope
emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not
understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to
cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince
them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has
endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is
rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not
willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and
cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of
familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite
honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those
who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready
to tale to the streets to defend their right, to protect their loved
ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The
leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in
the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the chidren of
Light. The enemy has Satan on its side. He who only knows how to
hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God od armies
arrayed for battle and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head
of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
[Rom 8:31]
Mr. Presdent, you are well awere that, in this crucial hour, the
United States of American is considered the defending wall against
which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been
unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words
of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all thing in him who strengthens me”
[phil:4-13] to be an instrument of divine providence is a great
responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the grace of
state that you need, since they are being
fervently implored for you by the many people who support you
with their prayers.
With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for
the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send
you blessing.
God bless the United States of America.
Carlo Maria Vigano ,
Tit. Aechbishop of Ulpiana.
Fromer Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of the America
Words from the Editorial Board
The information in our articles is mainly derived from below website. We
are reporting the news back to you. And have thought this little booket
might be convenient for those who have trouble using the internet and
would like to understand of our history.
Information provided
www.minghui org
The Fastest Fulfilled Prediction in Americal’s Election
Trump in campaign
20-Year Persecution
lun Gong in China 1999-2019
Persecution of
Falun Gong
in China
The Wall Street journal issued
a comment on 20-October,
stating that” if Trump wants
to win the election,
Unless struck by lightning in
the same place twice”. Just two
days after that Trump Tower
was struck by lightning three
times in a row on 22 nd. God
responded to the
of the Wall Street jouranl
Book Review: Australian MP
has recommended this book
for every library.